A Night on Earth In Scotland is created from a selection of The Macallan’s exceptional American and European oak sherry seasoned casks, along with American ex-bourbon barrels to deliver its rich, sweet shortbread-like character. A whisky referencing the rich Scottish delicacy traditionally gifted and eaten at Hogmanay, punctuated by festive notes of dried orange and spice.
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- K330058dp
- Product Weight
- 1.44 kg
A limited edition single malt that tells a story of New Year in Scotland, reflecting the joy of celebrating special occasions with loved ones.
A Night on Earth In Scotland is created from a selection of The Macallan’s exceptional American and European oak sherry seasoned casks, along with American ex-bourbon barrels to deliver its rich, sweet shortbread-like character. A whisky referencing the rich Scottish delicacy traditionally gifted and eaten at Hogmanay, punctuated by festive notes of dried orange and spice.
A Perfect Pairing: Sip neat with shortbread on the side.